a blog formerly known as 'by amanda leigh'

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Morning "Happy"

In the words of Garfield... "I hate Mondays."

Who does really? You've just finished up a weekend of fun and relaxation (or being busy, but still, ti was the weekend) and you're waking up to go back to work. No matter how much you may "love" your job, more often then not, Mondays are going to suck.

So, for those of you who are obsessed like I am, there are only THREE DAYS left until the Hunger Games movie pre-sale tickets come out. And then in a month it'll be the premier. Oh my goodness just thinking about that makes this Monday all that much more bearable. I have already read the series twice, I'm 100% sure I'll read it again before the movie. Team Peeta!!

Now that I got my teeny bopper moment out of my system...

This morning, like most mornings, I made myself a little "happy". Otherwise known as my green smoothie. I previously spoke about it in a previous post, so i wanted to give you guys a bit more information on it.

I have been on Twitter for a while now, and I've followed my fair share of celebrities an their craziness, but several months ago a tweet by Hilary Duff (no judgement, I love that girl) about a "Glowing Green Smoothie" peaked my interest. At the time I had no intention on being THAT healthy, so after looking into it, I bailed and forgot about it. Since project "New Year, New You (aka me!)" has gone into effect, I thought about this smoothie and how I could very well incorporate it into my Dukan ways.

After much thought, I figured - even though it's not following the Dukan to a tee - it was an amazing way to get servings of veggies and fruits into my days. So I went to Kimberly Snyder's website (click here to visit it) - the creator of this smoothie - and read the recipe, got the ingredients and went nuts. I will admit one thing however... I don't buy anything organic. I know, I know, it probably defeats the purpose a bit, but organic food is kind of on the expensive side over here, and maybe I am just a bit lazy.

Anyways, here is a quick breakdown on the ingredients I use, and the steps I take (for the original recipe, see Kimberly's site):

1 500ml bottle of water (filtered)
1 bag of spinach (not baby), roughly 600g
1 head of romaine lettuce, chopped
2-3 stalks of celery, depending on their size
1 apple, chopped
1 pear, chopped
1 banana
1 lemon

Doesn't it look so pretty? I made a double batch this morning so I would have a week's worth pre-made.

I quickly cut off the rind of the lemon and toss that in my Vitamix (this is the most amazing blender ever. I will DEFINITELY blog about that this week) along with the entire bag of spinach and the bottle of water. At this point my blender is full, so I turn it on a crank it up to med-high speed and get the spinach all blended.

Then I chop up the romaine, toss it in and blend that.

I then turn the blender on high and leave the lid on but open uncover the hole at the top. I slowly add in the celery stalks one at a time, then the apple and pear. I then blend everything on high until its smooth and then, and only then, do I add in the banana. I find it you add the banana in too early and blend it the smoothie gets too frothy. But that could only be a personal taste.

After that I usually divide the smoothie up into freezer bags, and set aside one portion for me. This morning I made a double batch, so I actually had enough for today's serving, plus another week of smoothies. The great thing about freezing them is you keep the freshness, and you don't have to worry about having to toss any due to spoiling. You simply take a serving out of the freezer at night and the next morning it's ready!

Seriously... You guys should try this...

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