a blog formerly known as 'by amanda leigh'

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Don't you know? Don't you know? Beautiful don't you know??

So I was inspired by all the glass painting I did for the order I owed (I will post pictures once those are all done), and from looking at my friend Jen's wedding pictures (and more so the song above by Chris Brown. One of those memories from the wedding...). These are glasses I am going to put up on Etsy in hopes that someone will be interested in them.

I call them (so fittingly) "The Bridesmaids":

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How does one get back to where they once were?

My creative juices have hit a bit of a lull right now. I was so motivated to get cracking not even two weeks ago, and now it seems I have hit that same wall I did back in June. I really want to get cracking on the things I love, letting my creative juices flow and create things... But there is this nagging feeling right now inside me that is making it so hard.

All around me I see people taking the time to create, and do the things they love, and start businesses. And I have to say it makes me a tiny bit green with envy. I fear disappointing, I fear rejection, I fear making a fool of myself. So that little voice inside me constantly says "don't do it!!!"

Lately it's all I hear and all I listen to.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weddings, weddings and still more weddings...

In a bit of an update to a previous post, I've hung up on my wall six of the frames from the weddings we attended last year. I have to make 4 more for this year; this is a project constantly in the works. I still have to place the pictures inside the frames for most of these, but I wanted to show you all what they now look like. I think it's a nice tribute to all my friends - who I love dearly.

Here is what the mounted pictures look like...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My dearest Nana...

Ever since I came back "online" I have been wondering what to do as one of my first projects. It's hard to decide what to do when there is so much I want to accomplish before the end of the year. To get myself in the right frame of mind, I decided this weekend to clean up my "workspace" in the basement. This in turn lead to me moving furniture around, sweeping, cleaning, filing tons of bills, and finally (after all that procrastinating) organizing my area. I have to say, seeing how nice and clean it is really makes me want to get cracking. I owe a lot of people glasses, so those are one of the first things on my list.


During my cleaning I stumbled upon a ton of old pictures. I'm talking old, as in my grandmother and grandfather back in the day. Black and white and timeless... One from their wedding, others of my dad and aunts and uncles as children, my grandfather in his Black Watch uniform... I forgot I had these pictures. But going through these pictures, I had a small breakdown.